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How To Get College Hookups With Sexting

It’s no secret college students love sex. In fact, most of us would probably rather get laid than study for tests or finish that paper due the next day. But how do you get your college partner interested? One way is to use sexting!

Sexting has become very popular over the years with all sorts of social media and apps available. Some of these services allow users to send nude photos or even videos. This may seem scary at first but it doesn’t have to be. If done right, sexting can turn a college hookup into something more.
Here are some ways to make sure you get a sex meet this semester:

1) Don’t Be Scared Of Sexting

Some people think using sexting means they are cheating on their partners, which couldn’t be further from the truth. If done right, it will only add to the relationship and help you two grow closer. However, if you do sext your partner without their consent, you could end up in trouble. So don’t be scared to talk about it with them and ask permission before sending any nude pics.

2) Have Fun With It!

It might be tempting to send a few sexy selfies just for fun but doing so without having a conversation beforehand will probably not work out well. Take your time and plan what you want to say before sending anything. The goal here is to have a good conversation and have fun while doing so.

3) Think About What You Want To Say

Sexting is about getting yourself turned on, but there are other reasons why you might want to use this method. If you’re trying to show off or impress someone, then this could be the best option. On the flip side, if you want to show your partner how much you care about them, this is a great way to do that as well.

4) Make Sure Your Photos Are Good

No one likes bad pictures, especially when it comes to sexting. Don’t try to take pictures in dark rooms with poor lighting. Instead, use natural light and take pictures from a variety of angles. This will help your photos look better and give them a more professional look.

5) Use A Proper App

When you start using sexting apps, make sure you use one that is secure and easy to use. For example, Snapchat offers an app for college students that allows them to share photos, videos and text with friends. It also has a feature where it can blur your face to protect your privacy.

6) Don’t Go Overboard

Just because you have the ability to send pictures, doesn’t mean you should send a lot. Don’t go overboard and send every little thing you can think of. You need to keep a level head and remember that you are both adults.

Sexting can be a great tool for college couples and even college single men. So if you haven’t already started using it, now is the time. It may seem intimidating, but once you get used to it, it’s actually pretty easy. Just remember to have fun and enjoy yourself!



Sexting: we’ve all done it, despite whether or not we’re honest enough to admit it. Why do people do it? Enough people do it, so there’s got to be plenty of good reasons to, right? Well, yeah, sexting is fun and flirty, it’s sexy, and it’s totally trending right now. But, with nudity and technology comes some big issues that we should all take into consideration before sending a sext. There are a lot of negative, and even incriminating, consequences of sending sexy pictures that you need to know about.

1.If you’re under 18, it’s considered illegal.

What is more of a buzzkill than child pornography? But on the serious side, it’s a big deal and a big crime. If an individual under 18 sends a sexually explicit message or picture, they are creating and distributing child pornography. It doesn’t matter if an individual creates, distributes, or views child pornography; it is always considered a crime.

No one wants to be in that situation, right? Sending or receiving a nude selfie picture from someone under 18 could leave a nasty permanent mark on your record, and that’s not something that’s easy to come back from. On an even darker note, child pornographers and child predators could get their hands on your picture, which is one of the absolute worst things that could happen.

2. Your sext could land in the wrong hands.

With our technology today, a picture can be sent to an unlimited amount of people in an instant. The person you send a sexy picture to could end up being a totally creepy and attention-hungry weirdo, and they now have the potential to expose you to everyone.

Be careful about the people you trust with something so personal. The guy or girl you think you have a connection with could turn out to be a completely different person. And if you think the person you send the picture won’t send it to someone else, think again. A study concludes, “of those who reported receiving a sext, well over 25 percent said that they had forwarded it to someone else. ”Don’t ever send a sext to someone unless they are someone you know you can trust.

3. Your sext could follow you for the rest of your life.

Once any picture of yours is put out into the technological universe, it’s no longer yours to control. It’s truly out there forever! You might think you can delete it, but IT departments can retrieve deleted things from months, even years before. Not even Snapchat is safe; their servers have been hacked before, causing everyone’s private pictures to be exposed. One picture simply isn’t worth haunting you for the rest of your life.

4. Your reputation could be ruined.

We, unfortunately, live in a society full of judgment and ridicule, that’s just a simple fact of life. A tarnished reputation can be crippling, especially for students in high school and college. Sending a naked picture could brand a girl as a “slut” and subject her to brutal gossip, teasing, and even bullying. None of that is worth it just to send a nude picture to a crush or girlfriend/boyfriend.

5. Sexting can lead to brutal bullying, and eventually, self harm.

It’s a brutally sad but real consequence that sexting can lead to adolescents taking their own lives. A thirteen-year-old girl, Hope, from Florida, sent a topless picture of herself to a boy in hopes of getting attention, but, unfortunately, the picture got spread to numerous high schools. Hope endured so much brutal bullying that she could no longer tolerate it, and eventually took her own life. This is a sad reality that needs to be acknowledged; nothing can justify a young person taking their life.

10 Pros and Cons of Casual SexSexting

10 Pros and Cons of Casual Sex

 In today’s world of texting, sexting, social media, and sexual liberation, a new trend has arisen amongst us young folk, and it’s called casual sex. So what exactly is it? We’ve defined it as the act of hooking up with people you aren’t monogamous with and doing it well, pretty often. These “people” could be anyone: friends, coworkers (gasp), or randoms you meet in a bar. The point of it is, you aren’t dating these people, and it’s okay that you’re hooking up with more than just one person. Now that you know what it means, we’re going to give you ten important pros and cons of casual sex.

The Pros. 

No Strings Attached. 

One of the most ideal things about casually hooking up with someone is the simple fact that it’s casual- there aren’t any strings attached. You get in, you get it on, and then you get the hell out of dodge. It’s just sex, and that’s as simple as it gets. If it starts getting more complicated than that, you’re doing something wrong.

 It’s super convenient. 

Relationships aren’t convenient. It takes planning, it takes work, and it takes a lot of energy. Casual sex doesn’t require any of these things. It’s as convenient as sending a text saying “I’m horny, want to come over?” You can have it when you want it, and ditch it when you don’t.

You’re having sex.

I mean, who can say this part is a con? You’re having sex, and sex is great. Sex is proven to relieve stress, burn calories, and even strengthen your immune system. Who can argue with science?

No expectations.

Since neither of you is under the impression that this is going anywhere, you can feel more comfortable while you’re hooking up. You’re not even sure you’ll see this person again, so you can get weird with it. You can be less self-conscious and more carefree in the bedroom. 

You still have your freedom.

Casual sex is so common amongst college students because they don’t want the hassle of a relationship but want to hook up. You don’t date, you don’t fight, and sometimes even flirting is too much. You can still do whatever the hell you want with whoever you want. 

The Cons.

STDS and unplanned pregnancies.

 The above options are the worst of the worst. I think I can speak for everyone when I say no one wants the above to happen to them. If you do, you have some issues. One of the major downsides to casual sex is the chance of getting stuck with some not-so-fun consequences. To prevent these things from happening, use protection. It’s not brain surgery!

Walks of shame.

Although not the worst thing on the planet, walks of shame aren’t exactly ideal. Trekking 5-10 blocks in last night’s outfit at 9 am on a Friday is guaranteed to get some unwanted attention. Unfortunately, walks of shames are pretty inevitable with a casual fuck, so you’re just going to have to deal with this one. 

Your reputation.

Now, I’m all for not caring what other people think. But if you’re in a small circle, or go to a small school, word travels pretty fast if you’re getting around. Sometimes, this can potentially tarnish your reputation, especially if you’re a girl. No one wants to be labeled as “easy” or as “a player.” To keep this sort of gossip on the down low, all you can do is be careful about not hooking up with people with big mouths. 

One of you could get attached.

This is one of the worst consequences of casual sex: falling for them. Unfortunately, what usually happens is only one person wants to take it to the next level, and they get hurt when they’re rejected. This usually happens to girls, but it could happen to guys too. Things will get awkward real fast if you fall for your casual sex buddy, and they don’t feel the same way. Even worse, you could get heartbroken.

 Stage five clingers.

Beware of the stage five clingers. They aren’t fun, they aren’t logical, and they aren’t easy to get rid of. No one wants to deal with 10 missed calls and 15 unread texts from someone they had casual sex with once. If you think you’re dealing with a looney, get out while you can.

Must See List of Hottest Famous Snapchat UsernamesHistory News

Must See List of Hottest Famous Snapchat Usernames

It’s obvious that we like to follow and stalk our favorite celbs on every social media platform, and now we can creep their lives away on Snapchat.  Celebrities are now sharing their morning acai bowls, dog walks, behind the scene video, and the ultimate selfies with fans everywhere through Snapchat. 

Because lets be real, if you don’t follow Kylie Jenner and her ridiculous 200 second story of her and her huge lips, then what are you really doing with your life? Here is a list compiled of the hottest snap sluts you need to follow right now.


Snapchat name: rihanna

Superstar Rihanna shows off her ghetto-fab side on her Snapchat. Rihanna has a Twitter account just for her Snapchat that has over 5,000 followers. Rihanna’s Twitter account is very interactive with other celebrities just like her twitter. Catch Rihanna giving shout outs all over Snapchat. Known for her killer Snapchat toilet selfies, this is one of the hottest Snapchat accounts. Rihanna attempting to kill a big with a pair of Louis Vuitton’s on one of her recent posts is only one of the many reasons to follow this diva.

Dillon Franics

Snapchat name: dillonfrancis

Dillon Francis is one of the funniest artists on Snapchat. He used Snapchat to share his debut album, Money Sucks, Friends Rule before it was officially released. Dillon is familiar with the poop emoji that frequents his stories often. Dillon takes us behind the scenes of him playing in Vegas, and at huge music festivals. Dillon doesn’t hold back with fans, as he will take you into the bathroom with him where he shaves his beard via selfie cam. You can also catch him sharing videos as any of his notorious characters he plays. Francis likes to openly humiliate other Dj’s via Snapchat. This guy is a must add on Snapchat.

Kylie Jenner

Snapchat name: kylizzlemynizzl

If you want constant updates on Kylie’s new hair color or what toy her two dogs are playing with, look like this is the account for you. Learn how to contour your own face via Snapchat because Kylie uses her front cam for a mirror. Oh, and if you want to see Khloe twerking, Kris’s newest face work and Kylie biting Tyga… look no further. She also sings a lot in to the camera, just to warn you. Some may say that adding Kylie on Snapchat is the best decision they have ever made. 

Miley Cyrus

Snapchat name: mileycyrus

You never know what you’re going to see with this one. Her Snapchat will show you what it’s like to live inside the wild mind of Miley. You can expect to see questionable outfit decisions and a lot of weird emojis. Follow Miley to see what animal of the week she is trying to save, her crazy outfit choices, and of course her family, friends and dogs. You can see Miley throwing up rainbows with Snapchats new update that lets you add real-time effects to your photos or videos.


Snapchat name: djcarnage

This EDM character has a Snapchat account that allows his fans to travel all over the world with him. Carnage was just in Tokyo where we got a chance to see his huge nightly feasts, behind the scenes of his performances, and the lifestyle in Tokyo. Carnage’s Snapchat will give you a look into his party lifestyle. You can follow this crazy guy and expect to see him partying with other well-known DJ’s such as Tiesto. You’ll want to party all night and travel all over the world with this guy on your feed.

Justin Bieber

Snapchat name: rickthesizzler

JBiebz will show you his OOTD, everyday. This cutie has girls all over the world freaking out on Snapchat. Beiber posted his Miami vacation that even gave a quick second to see he was Hailey Baldwin. Beiber promoted his Snapchat on his Instagram and Twitter that got over 78,000 favorites, so we can see some more of this mega pop-stars life. 


Snapchat name: tiesto

Oh, Tiesto. What a crazy human. Thank you for all the times you post Snapchats of your awesome life on tour and of yourself partying with girls half naked. Tiesto’s the kind of DJ you follow to watch all debauchery if you don’t want to apply the EDM lifestyle to your own life. Tiesto will send outright ridiculous Snapchats because he can and because no one can judge him because well, he’s famous.

Athenaeum HistoryHistory

Athenaeum History


Athenaeum, the name given to the temples of Athena, goddess of wisdom, is a word that has evolved to mean “seat of learning.” In the Roman Empire, the Athenaeum was a school for the study of the arts; the building may be visited in Rome today. Several buildings in Western Europe and the United States have been named Athenaeum.

The Athenaeum Rectory

The Athenaeum Rectory, located in Columbia, Tennessee, is Moorish-Gothic architecture, not typical of the general building style in 1835. It is the design of Adolphus Heiman, architect in the early 1800s of many buildings and homes in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area and built by the master-builder of  Maury County Nathan Vaught. The Athenaeum Rectory was begun in 1835 as a residence for Samuel Polk Walker, nephew of President James K. Polk.

It was completed in 1837 as the home of The Reverend Mr. Franklin Gillette Smith. In 1837, The Reverend Mr. Smith came to Tennessee to be president of The Columbia Female Institute, an Episcopal school for girls. He was a native of Vermont and a graduate of Princeton University.

In 1851, The Reverend Mr. Smith resigned from the Institute to found The Columbia Athenaeum School and the Smith family home continued to be the Athenaeum Rectory. It contained the reception room and parlors for the Athenaeum. The bedrooms on the first floor and an upstairs room were used by the Smith family. The house never had a kitchen; however, the small two-room building was probably built for that purpose but was never used as such since the Smiths had their meals in the school dining room.

In the reception room, original to the house is the chandelier made of seven metals; and the front door side panels are “flashed glass,” containing gold made in Europe. Over the mantel hangs a portrait of The Reverend Mr. Smith. A portrait of Mrs. Smith is in the parlor. The floors are walnut and oak; the design is known as wood carpeting.

The 10-piece parlor set was made by Joseph Meeks of Philadelphia in the mid-1800s. It was owned by Sally Ward Smith Gustine, Mrs. Smith’s daughter by her first husband, another Mr. Smith, William Ward Smith. The harp in the front parlor is the same harp that is in the painting of Sally W. S. Gustine. The harp found its way back to its Athenaeum home in 2013 from a female descendant of Mrs. Gustine. The fountain gracing the front lawn is French and is original to the property.

The Columbia Athenaeum was in operation for 52 years and developed a national reputation for its quality and breadth of the curriculum. The school offered students well-equipped departments in art, music, history, and science. By 1890, a commercial department was furnished with typewriters and telegraphic instruments.

The girls enjoyed gymnastics, bowling, croquet, and tennis, and were given instruction in Bible and etiquette. The library contained over 16,000 volumes, and the department of natural science held over 6.000 specimens, a few of which remain today. The school buildings and the rectory stood on 22 acres among a grove of large trees. There were dormitory rooms for 100-125 boarding students in addition to many day students.

During the Civil War, Reverend Mr. Smith was a refugee because of his outspoken sentiment in favor of the Confederate cause. Mrs. Smith operated the Athenaeum. Two of the Smiths’ sons, Robert Davis and William Austin, were active in Company B, Second Tennessee Infantry, known as the Maury Rifles.

Organized by Mr. Smith in April 1861, the unit saw action in Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia before surrendering in North Carolina in 1865.

After The Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Smiths’ deaths, the Athenaeum was operated by the son, Captain Robert Davis Smith, until 1904. The property was sold by the Smith heirs, and the school became the high school until 1914. In 1915, a high school was built by the City of Columbia on the property. The rectory was retained by the Smith family members as their residence until 1973, when it was given to the Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities for the use of the people of Maury County by Franklin Gillette Smith’s grand-daughter, Fannie Louise Smith Davis of Lamesa, Texas.

Make The Athenaeum Your HomeEvents

Special Events

Make The Athenaeum Your Home

The Athenaeum Rectory is open for guided tours, both individual and group, each Tuesday through Saturday, ten to four o’clock, through Christmas. For more information, e-mail us or call us at (931) 381-4822.

The house is available for special events any day, including evenings and weekends. Indoor weddings, sit-down receptions, and dinners for up to fifty persons can be accommodated. Indoor stand-up functions can be increased to one hundred. When weather permits, outside events using the three-sided veranda and/or gardens around the original water fountain can accommodate up to two hundred people.

A complete kitchen, wedding party dressing areas, and a limited number of tables and chairs are included in the rental cost. Names of local caterers will be furnished upon request. You are invited to schedule your next event in one of Tennessee’s most beautiful historical locations.

  • Bus drivers and tour escorts free, teachers with groups free
  • Motorcoach parking available
  • Restrooms available
  • House is handicapped accessible; restroom is not
  • Costumed docents provided for group tours upon request
  • Luncheons for groups of 12 or more
  • An 1861 fashion show can be arranged for groups in the evening which includes a demonstration of parlor games played during the time period and a tour of the house.
  • Headquarters for the Maury Christmas Historic Homes Tour of Homes, dates to be announced. Details here …

Athenaeum Special Events

Antique Appraisal Fair

Saturday, March 29, 2014 9:00 AM – 4:00pm

Almost everyone has something, a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation, an antique piece of jewelry, an auction purchase, or even a garage sale bargain that they have wondered what the age or value of the piece may be. Many of us have been intrigued by the valuable surprises and sometimes disappointments discovered on television shows like Antiques Roadshow.

To bring this excitement a little closer to home, the Athenaeum Rectory will be hosting an antique appraisal fair on Saturday, March 30th from 9 until 4.

Knowledgeable appraisers from Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood, and Columbia will be on-site to give interesting facts and information about your family heirlooms and yard sale treasures. The appraisal fee per item will be $10. All proceeds will support and maintain the  Rectory and the ongoing restoration of the original Smith Family artifacts.

Join us in our efforts to support historic preservation by remembering the past and treasuring the items that, with our heritage, made our homes and historical landmarks homes.

For more information contact the Athenaeum Rectory at (931) 381-4822.

Middle TN Maury County History Fair 2014

April 25 – 26, 2014 Off-site at Rippavilla Plantation 5700 Main St. Spring Hill, TN. Interactive living history demonstrations from Native, Early American, Civil War, Long Hunters, and Victorian Eras. Vintage Baseball exhibition game to be played, tomahawk throwing, weapons demo, flint knapping, Maury Light Artillery, Kids area. Free, fun, and family-oriented educational event.

Friday, May 02 2014 – Saturday, May 03, 2014

Ladies’ weekend is an abbreviated version of our Girls’ School designed for the working woman. You will learn art, period music, period dance, languages, history, penmanship, fashion, and parlor games as well as a side saddle demonstration, tatting, and etiquette. $125 fee includes 4 meals, afternoon tea, supplies for all projects, and a notebook of material. A $35 nonrefundable fee must accompany registration. Period dress is optional but with few exceptions; most dress up as part of the fun.

Ghost Hunt

May 16 and 17, 2014 $50per person (Limited Space) gets you in on a real ghost investigation. Starts at about 6:00 pm to early morning. 931-381-4822 for details and reservations.

BBQ Benefit for the Athenaeum

Saturday, July 12, 2014 from 6:00 to ?

$500 table of 8 or $100 couple BBQ and Auction

1861 Athenaeum Girl’s School

Saturday, July 12, 2014 – Friday, July 18, 2014

This is the big one. No one else in the area hosts as large or involved camp as this. The activities are based around the students experience in art, languages, music (vocal and instrumental), tatting, calligraphy, historic dance and Civil War re-enacting. The end of the week concludes with a commencement ceremony and grand ball.

The cost of the Girls School is $750 and includes 3 meals/day, afternoon tea and supplies for classes. Instruction begins at 7:30 am and ends after period dance practice at 9:30 pm. For added security the young ladies are housed with local families overnight.

Antebellum Yardsale

Saturday, September 27, 2014

One of our ever growing annual events. Clothing, fabric, supplies, etc. used in the 1800s by historical interpreters. Period vendors welcome. Booth space is $20. 

Athenaeum Family Weekend

Friday, Saturday Oct. 17-18, 2014

Come learnt skills that would have been common just a short time ago. Tailored for families, men, women and children. 

Ghostly Dinner

Friday, October 24, 2014 and Saturday, October 25, 2014 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

The Athenaeum Rectory will be open at 6:00 pm with dinner served by costumed hostesses at 6:30 pm. The house will be prepared for mourning and mourning customs and tales of ghost experiences will be included in the history tour.

Christmas Tour

Friday, December 5, 2014 and Saturday, December 6, 2014

One of the biggest home tours in the antebellum capital of Tennessee.

Athenaeum GirlsEvents

1861 Athenaeum Girls’ School and Ladies’ Weekend

The Athenaeum Rectory was begun in 1835 as a home for Samuel Polk Walker, a nephew of President James K. Polk. It had been designed by noted architect Adolphus Heiman and built by Maury County’s master builder Nathan Vaught.

He never lived in the house, however, and upon its completion in 1837, it became the home of Rev. Franklin G. Smith and his family. The Moorish-Gothic architectural design, along with its other stylized features, makes it unique among Tennessee’s antebellum homes.

The Columbia Athenaeum School for Young Ladies was founded by the Smiths in 1852 and for over fifty years it enjoyed a national reputation for its quality and breadth of curriculum, which offered courses in mathematics, science, and business…studies which were normally reserved only for young men.

The school offered students well-equipped departments in art, music, history, science, and later on, a complete business and commercial department. The library contained over 16,000 volumes and the department of natural science held over 6,000 specimens, some of which remain and are on display.

Today, The Athenaeum Rectory is owned by The Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities and is maintained and operated by the Maury County Chapter of the APTA as a historic house museum. In an effort to continue the outstanding heritage of the original school, two important education events are still offered.

The 1861 Athenaeum Girls’ School will be conducted during the week of July 9 through 15 in 2011. Young ladies age 14-18 come from all over the country, dressed in authentic 19th-century costumes, and study the same courses in etiquette, penmanship, art, music, dance, and the social graces. In addition, they participate in side-saddle horsemanship, archery, and other sports.

The week is highlighted on Friday evening with graduation ceremonies followed by the formal ball to which they are escorted by members of the Jackson Cadets, a local group of young men dedicated to the study of mid-19th century history and customs.

From April 29 – April 30, 2011, a condensed version of the school is offered to women of ages 19 and above. Also attired in 19th-century costume, for two days the ladies participate in the same kinds of activities taught by the same qualified faculty as do the young women.

For more information on the 1861 Athenaeum Girls’ School and 1861 Ladies’ Weekend, you may call (931) 381-4822.